Nomad Meets the City is the story of one endearing family’s struggle to survive and adapt in the face of the modern world’s demands.

Former herder Tumurbaatar works tirelessly as a garbage truck driver in Ulaanbaatar, striving to better his daughter’s education and compete in the modern economy. Torn between life in the city and his home and family in a countryside town, the pressures of distance and separation take a toll. His wife, Tungaa, helps tend the family herd, as Tumurbaatar’s visits home reveal fault lines in their marriage and identities. They both speak romantically about retiring as true nomads, but she sees what he does not: his nomadic roots are already lost to the city. In spite of it all, they cling fast to dreams for their children to lead lives they cannot.



Director: Anji Sauvé Clubb
Editor: Šimon Špidla
Script Advisor: Ivan Arsenjev, Tomáš Potočný
DOP, Music: Dulguun Bayasgalan
Sound: Vladimír Chrastil
Producers: Anji Sauvé Clubb, Alice Tabery, Dulgun Bayasgalan
Co-producer: i/o post (Jordi Niubó)
Associate Producer: Walter Jenkins

Supported by: Czech Film Fund, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC, Arts Council of Mongolia, Embassy of USA in Mongolia, Indiegogo crowdfunding, Jerome Foundation

The project was presented at WIP LAB (HAF market) in Hong Kong in March 2019, HotDocs Dealmaker 2016 and IDFAcademy 2015.